Tuesday, January 08, 2008

ITV - The Place to be?

Yes I'm still alive. Technically homeless and without broadband at the mo - but still breathing. So that can't be bad. Thanks to all for the good wishes.

I hope a great 2008 for you all. We happy breed deserve it.

But I digress. I applauded Mickey Grade's move to ITV, [obviously me and Mickey are like that] he is good news for writers. And lo and behold what does the New year bring? The Royal Today, Echo Beach, Moving Wallpaper and a three night a week Law and Order knock off.

I make no claims as to quality but as far as shows that keep writers from asking 'do you want fries with that' as their day job then they are very good news indeed.

I've got to be honest and say that for a long time ITV drama has been in the doldrums. Okay, crap, and yes I watched the first few minutes of The Royal Today and it was awful. But all soaps are for the first year.

The point is at least ITV are trying. They are creating opportunities for writers with new shows. Taking risks. And might just be the new BBC. Who right now, thanks to Yorkie hasn't got the best of reps with long in the tooth writers despite the gushings of the WGGB.

Anyway, just a quickie to thank you all for your comments over the last year. My postings will be more sporadic until the dust settles but have a great year you bunch of cunts [ that's for Don lol]