Monday, April 07, 2008

Female Ejaculation

Yep strange title. But writers have to be students of human nature I guess, so this tickled me.

I came across female ejaculation recently, if you'll pardon the pun. Being naturally curious, and never to my knowledge having previously induced it I decided a google was in order. Luckily my computer was by the bed and she seemed too drained to notice.
Anyhoo, the facts and figures are in dispute to some extent and I don't want to spoil the romance by talking about skene glands and urethas. But having read up on the medical guff I happened upon this.

It's a letter from Feminists Against Censorship [Do they know it sounds like Fuck?] to the BBFC. It sets out all the medical proof for female ejaculation because the BBFC don't believe it exists and class it as , well, pissing, which means any film it contains can't recieve an R18 rating because of the Obscene Publications Act. Apparently urine isn't allowed. The FAC's case is that it isn't urine.

Does anyone really care? I mean anyone who cares if female ejaculatory fluid is an important part of the entertainment?

As far as censorship is concerned, personaly I'm of the school that finds it odd that torture porn like Hostel and the like get manstream certificates but good old porno has a list of what can get shown and what can't.

Okay, there has to be some form of censorship. If there wasn't someone would without question try to show a snuff movie. Although I'm all for Celebrity Big Brother - The Death Match!

I don't write a lot of sex in what I do. It slows up the action and rarely adds to character development, unless it is beautifully done like between Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland in Don't Look Now. I don't have any interest in seeing on screen ejaculation, male or female. Unless it is Cameron Diaz's hair gel.

But I do find it hypocritical that murders, rape, and gratuitous violence are ''socially acceptable'' as far as the BBFC are concerned. But they have to debate the existance of the female ejaculation?

Maybe I've been reading too many Canadian Blogs and the whole censorship rammy going on over there. Maybe I'm just trying to say that no matter how liberal you think the media appears, it is actually very conservative.


Oli said...

I don't get the BBFC at all, and had a bit of a rant about it here. Sadly thereafter, I got a lot of hits on my site for people looking for 'exploding womb scenes'.

English Dave said...

I know what you mean Oli. My sixteen year old is a huge Tim Burton fan. Imagine his surprise when a Musical with Johny Depp gets an 18?

perhaps that extra two years he has to wait to see it in the cinema or two months til the dvd comes out will prevent him from being corrupted into a serial throat slitter.

Anonymous said...

Not wanting to detract from the debate on censorship, but with regard to female ejaculation:
b)it featured (rather graphically) in an episode of Californication


Jaded and Cynical said...

It was also the main punchline in the latest American Pie spin-off.

Is it possible that the whole thing has been invented by writers who've run out of genuine sexual taboos to break?

Maybe you saw Love Soup at the weekend.

Here's a mainstream, early evening sitcom on BBC1, and the plot was about a woman being regularly fucked by her labrador.

Once the Beeb starts milking bestiality for cheap laughs, there's not much left in the well, is there?

English Dave said...

JB - got to say I was pretty impressed too. But re californication and sex in the city, where it was also shown, isn't it a little strange that female ejaculation is shown but male most certainly wouldn't?

jaded - the state of most sit-coms right now I'm not surprised dog fucking is supposed to be funny